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If you see her be sure to congratulate the AMAZING Simone Seward, Vice Chair, who has been selected to receive one of the 40 Under 40 awards in the City of Syracuse! She will be honored on April 5. 👊🏽 We are so lucky to have you as a part of our organization! 💚 See MoreSee Less

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Congratulations Dr. Seward 💚


If you see her be sure to congratulate the AMAZING Simone Seward, Vice Chair, who has been selected to receive one of the 40 Under 40 awards in the City of Syracuse!  She will be honored on April 5. 👊🏽 We are so lucky to have you as a part of our organization! 💚

Are your kids going outside this Spring? So are ticks. 😩 Untreated Lyme disease can produce a wide range of symptoms, depending on the stage of infection. These include fever, rash, facial paralysis and arthritis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a quick guide of common symptoms to look for in early and late-stage Lyme disease.

Let’s ALL step up this tick season and help prevent the spread of #lymedisease by sharing this post. 💚

👉Do you think or know that you’ve been bitten by a tick? View our resources page for prevention tips as well as treatment options available to you. Visit now.
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It’s upsetting but I think it bears repeating every spring that ticks can be smaller than the size of a poppy seed.
Yes, even microscopic ticks can carry disease.

Please always use prevention methods and if bitten, get treatment as soon as possible.
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When you give monthly you create change 💚Recurring gifts fuel long-term solutions in the fight against Lyme disease. Your sustained support allows us to plan, grow, and reach more people in need. Visit to help our mission by donating today. 🙌🏼 See MoreSee Less

When you give monthly you create change 💚Recurring gifts fuel long-term solutions in the fight against Lyme disease. Your sustained support allows us to plan, grow, and reach more people in need. Visit to help our mission by donating today. 🙌🏼
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